A show and a rodeo

Monday, April 20, 2015
Connie Jo Discoe/McCook Gazette

Bob Brown of Trenton, Nebraska, on a John Deere H, rolls a barrel through the obstacle course and across the finish line in 1 minute, 34 seconds during the tractor rodeo Saturday in the Kiplinger Arena on the Red Willow County Fairgrounds in McCook. Brown and other Heritage Antique Tractor Club members competed in an egg race, balloon pop contest and a chain drag in the rodeo, and others, like Donnie Mason, left, and John O'Dea displayed and/or discussed collectible tractors and stationary engines. Club president Roger Dickerson used a hit-and-miss engine to churn ice cream. Dickerson said the ice cream freezer fascinated many little kids, and sales of the ice cream went well. About 45 tractors and 20 stationary engines, corn shellers and can crushers attracted spectators to the arena throughout the day. Dickerson said with spectators, club members and their spouses, about 275 people wandered among displays. He said he and fellow club members were very pleased with the turnout; "It was our best show in four years," Dickerson said.

Connie Jo Discoe/McCook Gazette
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