- Senator looks forward to private life, still on the job (4/21/22)
- All taxpayers get a break (4/14/22)
- Progress toward meaningful tax relief (4/8/22)
- Working to improve rural workforce housing (3/31/22)
- Busy year for appropriations committee (3/24/22)
- A review of legislative action last week (3/17/22)
- A review of legislative action last week (3/16/22)
Settling in at the Capitol
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
The 104th Legislature, First Session, convened on Wednesday, January 7th. This is the "long session," which is set by the Nebraska Constitution. The Constitution requires sixty day sessions in even-numbered years and ninety day sessions in odd-numbered years. The reason why we have a 90 days session, is to set the budget for the upcoming biennium (2-years). Legislative days are working days and not calendar days. We are scheduled to adjourn on June 5th.
The first 10 days of session new legislation can be introduced. The bills introduced so far range in topics from repeal of mandatory motorcycle helmets, changing from two motor vehicle license plates to one, and a variety of tax bills. We will start bill hearings in a couple of weeks.
I was elected to serve on the Executive Board, and my committee assignments are Natural Resources, General Affairs and Urban Affairs. We are starting to get settled into our new offices. I am in Room 1117, it is located on South side of the building. I share an office with Senator John Kuehn from district 38.
My Legislative staff consists of Jeni Bohlmeyer, Legislative Aide and Hung Chau, Administrative Assistant. Jeni brings 18 years of Legislative experience, she and her husband live on a farm outside of Cortland, along with their two daughters. Hung has previous worked for Senator Davis of Hyannis, Hung lives in Lincoln. Please feel free to contact them with any questions or concerns that you may have, or to schedule appointments.
I look forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to contact my office with any questions or concerns that you might have.
My email address is dhughes@leg.ne.gov and my phone number is (402) 471-2805.