Heart of God Seminar set for E-Free Church

Monday, October 6, 2014
Eric Guthrie and family, founder and Executive Director of Every Nation Ministries.

McCOOK, Neb. -- Eric Guthrie from Every Nation Ministries will be at the McCook Evangelical Free Church on Sunday, Oct. 12 from 8:30-noon to teach the fast-paced seminar that overviews what God is doing in the world and extends an invitation to all followers of Jesus to be involved.

In the Heart of God Seminar, you will discover the unifying theme woven in Scripture from Genesis to Revelation, unveiling the very heart of God in a fresh, dynamic, new way. There are few events as life changing and dramatic as this seminar. One pastor confessed that though he had been to seminary and pastored for seven years, he had never understood what this seminar teaches. In a few hours, the sweeping panorama of God's global activity, past and present, rushes before you. You cannot help but join in the very passion of His heart!

Have you ever wondered how what you are doing fits into God's global purposes?

Is the "judgmental" God of the Old Testament the same as the "loving" God of the New Testament?

Do you feel like Christianity is similar to a puzzle? You have thousands of pieces representing Bible stories, doctrine, the teachings of Jesus, prophecies... but you can't quite figure out how it all fits together?

Heart of God Seminar is for the express purpose of seeing what His concerns, dreams and desires are. We have all heard the phrase, "God has a wonderful plan for your life." This seminar helps us shift the focus to, "God has a wonderful plan for the peoples of our world, and you have a place in it."

This is an excellent seminar for every member of the church. It effectively takes missions off the side line of concern and firmly places it at the very core of one's priorities.

Join us Sunday, October 12 beginning at 8:30 AM. Nursery will be provided. Children 2 years old thru 4th grade will begin the seminar with their parents and then go various Sunday school classes at 9:45 for the remainder of the seminar.

Seminar Schedule is as follows:

8:30 Blessed to be a Blessing

9:45 The Rest of the Story

11 Donkey Heads and Dove Dung: The Unfinished Task

Seldom do opportunities like this come around. Each session will build upon the previous one so please make every effort to attend the entire seminar.

You won't be disappointed. And who knows... it just might change your life!

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