Site: McCook third-fastest-growing city in state

Monday, October 6, 2014

SAN FRANCISCO -- NerdWallet, a consumer advocacy website, recently conducted a study to find the fastest-growing cities in Nebraska -- and McCook ranked third.

To find Nebraska's fastest-growing communities, NerdWallet evaluated 46 cities, towns and census-designated places and examined the following variables:

* Population growth

* Employment growth

* Income growth

With a 24.8 percent median income growth, McCook residents are seeing some of the highest income increases in Nebraska. The county's agricultural production is centered on cattle and corn, but it also ranks eighth in the state for wheat production and is No. 11 in dairy production. The city has a strong manufacturing industry with a Parker Hannifin Corp. industrial hose plant along with an equipment plant and distribution center for Valmont Industries Inc., an irrigation equipment manufacturer. Services, especially in healthcare, made a significant contribution to the economy. The economic opportunities in this community are poised for further growth and foster a wonderful environment for not only job seekers but families as well.

"We're pleased to have the folks at NerdWallet notice some of what we have been seeing" says Rex Nelson, Executive Director of McCook Economic Development Corporation, "In addition to employment and labor earnings growth, proprietor's income is showing very strong too. It's encouraging to have turned the corner on population declines for several years now and we have seen a 10% increase in the important 25 to 35 age group."

"Nebraska has remained stable throughout historically difficult periods such as the most recent recession, in large part due to its strong agricultural landscape," said Kamran Rosen, an analyst with NerdWallet. "With no signs of slowing down, our study has also discovered that diverse industry and trade has led to double-digit median income growth for all but one of our top 10 cities," said Rosen.

Other places in the top 10 include La Vista and Papillion. See the full study at

For more information about NerdWallet, visit

-- NerdWallet is a consumer-friendly financial literacy website that helps consumers make better decisions about their personal finances and more. We have been featured in The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Reuters; consumer advocates Liz Weston and Clark Howard have recommended our products.

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  • Wow! More positive news about McCook. Hope to continue to see people moving here to start businesses, expand businesses and even retire here.

    -- Posted by dennis on Mon, Oct 6, 2014, at 4:29 PM
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  • It really is good news. I have posted a link to the article on our website which includes graphs of employment by sector and population.The growth was primarily in the employment and income indices.

    --Rex Nelson

    -- Posted by MCCOOK ECONOMIC DEVEL on Mon, Oct 6, 2014, at 5:33 PM
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