Long-time teachers retiring

Friday, February 14, 2014

McCOOK, Nebraska -- Two long-time McCook Public School teachers will soon be closing their grade books one last time, when they retire at the end of this year.

Gene Weedin, who taught history at the junior high for 16 years and Mary Dueland, who taught fourth grade for 37 years, will retire at the end of this school year.

Members of the McCook School Board recognized the teachers with gratitude for service at the regular school board meeting Monday night, at the action item accepting the resignations as well as during "Positive Comments."

Board vice president Sandy Krysl said having Weedin as a history teacher for her son made a tremendous impact, as for one year, "my son didn't hate history, he actually enjoyed it."

Board member Diane Lyons said she worked with Weedin during the implementation process of junior high intramurals and that he was extremely beneficial for he start up of that program.

Krysl also cited Dueland as the "epitome of a great teacher," with her summer projects for students and all the extra hours Dueland took on for her students.

Board president Tom Bredvick also thanked Dueland and her dedication to her students, that extended beyond the classroom. He recounted one incident in summer when he saw Dueland stop at the ballpark with some of her incoming students for that year. "I appreciate how she always tried to make a child feel special."

Also at Monday's meeting, McCook Public Schools business Manager Rick Haney updated the board on the recently upgraded heating system at the high school. The system was put to the test during the recent cold snap, he said, and estimated distribution ten times better as it was before. In response to a question by Diane Lyons, Haney said heating costs have been reduced by 30-35 percent at the high school.

During "Positive Comments," Krysl thanked all the candidates who applied for the open seat on the school board and encouraged them to file as candidates in the primary. She also thanked the staff and teachers at Central Elementary for their work at "Central Elementary Night" at McCook Community College basketball games.

Other comments at Monday night's meeting included:

* board secretary Teresa Thomas: recognized the extra effort of the office staff at schools during the recent late starts, by making sure students had rides and parents were notified;

* Lyons: the para professionals do a wonderful job with the students and with assisting teachers, especially keeping kids busy during recess when cold weather preventing them from going outside;

* board member Shane Messersmith: complimented McCook Schools band instructor Donita Priebe and the recent mini-dance camp that drew more than 80 attendees;

* board member Loretta Hauxwell: Dueland and Weedin were amazing teachers, who will be missed by the McCook Public Schools;

* board president Tom Bredvick: thanked all the volunteers and staff that helped out during the late starts and also to the community, by "making sure kids didn't have to walk home."

* McCook Public Schools Rick Haney: gave a shout-out the bus drivers in the district who transport kids not only in town, but from one end of the state to the other. "They take their jobs very seriously."

* Superintendent Grant Norgaard: thanked by name the junior high teachers who volunteered to help with interviews for the selection of a junior high principal. These teachers were: Carrie Goltl, Brooke Grigg, Cindy Wilcox, Deb Goodenberger, Austin Reisig, Tom Lentz, Jill Lauer, Erin Milton and Cindy Reiners, para professional.

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  • Mary and Gene are wonderful educators. Both will be greatly missed.

    -- Posted by dennis on Fri, Feb 14, 2014, at 9:00 PM
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