Letter to the Editor

What's happening?

Friday, December 20, 2013

Dear Editor,

We probably all realize by now that there is no such thing as a fair and balanced news source that mere tells us what happens and lets us draw our own conclusions. When we watch a newscast, we are dizzy and our head is spinning because of the bias of the press.

Sensationalism has been the mother of news casting from its inception. Negative news appeals to the depravity of man. We think, "Well, I'm a bad person now and then, but look what's going on out there in society. I'm a saint, compared to a politician, a school shooter or other criminals."

There's plenty of good news out there, but you have to look real hard to find it in the spectrum of the media.

The far left that's in control at this time is not in the same genus and species as our Christian democratic neighbors and friends here in Nebraska. These secular humanists also permeate most of the press. They come from the same area of the country and are birds of a feather. They believe very strongly what they are doing is best for our nation. Their gods are the self or worldly power, prestige and wealth since they are not theistic, they see nothing wrong with lies, deception , fraud and manipulation as long as it is a means to getting the desired result.

One of their most effective tactics is to get the Christian and conservative folks to believe that Christianity is on the wane and our country is failing. Satan is using them to discourage us us. He comes to rob, loot, plunder and destroy.

Don't you think he would love to defeat the greatest country in all of history who is based on the premise "in god we trust"? I'm sure he is using every weapon in his arsenal in a full-scale attack. Perhaps we are losing our ability to recognize evil because it is masquerading as modern thought and reason.

We can rest assured that there are many conservative politicians, organizations and monied private citizens who can see full well what is happening in our country. I read some of the letters I get from them and have listened in on a few round-robin phone presentations and there are many people scrambling to come to the aide of their country, but you will probably never hear about them in the mainline press.

Since we have to do things like eat, sleep, work, raise children and go from one day to the next, it's tough to analyze the state of the nation. But there are a lot of good books hitting the best sellers list that are very informative. If you have time and you care to read some of them and tell others what you have learned so we can become a more informed populace.

As I said, we are cynical about almost every news source, but I still believe my brother's eye witness. He travels to Washington D.C. frequently on business.

He said he recently saw a crowd of roughly three to five thousand people protesting against Obamacare in front of the White House. It didn't make the evening news, but there was a short piece on it in the newspapers from the Associated Press. It read that there were about a dozen people supporting Obamacare demonstrating in front of the White House yesterday and more than a dozen people demonstrating against it.

I saw an interview on TBN featuring a Christian politician gone activist. He insisted that 80 to 90 percent of the population wants to see prayer in school and for Judeo-christian values in society to be transmitted to our children and grandchildren. He went on to say that 99 percent of court cases support the right of biblical tenets to be part of education, our medical centers and legislative sessions, but we just don't hear about them.

He formed a company that received a court ruling in favor of prayer and Bible clubs in schools. They fly corporate jets around the country talking to school administrators, telling them they will be sued if they don't comply. Most administrators are in favor of it anyway, and are happy to do so.

It's a win-win. Do you think the battle of Jericho was won by soldiers who stayed in the camp and wrung their hands?

It is all right to be proactive and have a little pluck. The press is telling us there is an army of Goliaths against us, and we believe it hook, line and sinker.

We need to make the most fundamental choice that has been the same through all of history deciding whether to focus on the temporal or the eternal. Turn from the world to Jesus Christ and our heavenly home. We are in the world, not of the world. Peace, love and grace abound from above. Choose life and do not be cast down. Satan is defenseless against the prayers of the righteous.

Christ said, "when the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own, but will tell you what he has heard from me. We will tell you about the future. John 16:12-14.

Janine Hall,

McCook, Nebraska

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