Coat Closet winter clothing giveaway set later this month

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

McCOOK, Nebraska -- It's jacket weather.

Cooler weather stirs up thoughts of cold weather and winter coats, hats and mittens.

Barb Ostrum, of the McCook office of Community Action Partnership of Mid-Nebraska, plans McCook's 32nd annual "Coat Closet and Winter Clothing Give-Away" the end of October and first part of November.

She and her corps of Coat Closet volunteers encourage everyone to sort through last year's winter coats and warm winter clothing, and donate what they won't need this year.

Coats and clothing and galoshes -- and any other warm weather gear -- can be donated on Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 28 and 29, from 8 a.m until 7 p.m.

Distribution dates will be Wednesday, Oct. 30, from noon until 7 p.m.; Thursday, Oct. 31, from 8 a.m. until 7 p.m.; and Friday, Nov. 1, from 8 a.m. until noon.

The coat closet will be in the McCook City Auditorium, at West Fifth and C Streets.

Ostrum said the "Coat Closet and Winter Clothing Give-Away" are made possible by Community Action Partnership of Mid-Nebraska and the Southwest Nebraska community, with special thanks to McCook Mayor Dennis Berry and the McCook City Council.

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  • Year in and year out Barb an crew reaches out to help others. Thanks.

    -- Posted by dennis on Wed, Oct 9, 2013, at 2:17 PM
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