Students return from Baja science trip

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

McCOOK, Nebraska -- McCook students recently returned from a seven-day science trip to Baja, Mexico.

Katie Elder, Haley Hudson, Whitney Loos, Amanda Slattery and Syd Wier and seven Cambridge students along with their sponsors, Cathy Jones and Karen Gottsch, spent a week on the island of La Partida approximately 26 miles east of La Paz.

The students participated in snorkeling and free diving almost every day and saw a wide variety of colorful fish, starfish, coral and rays along with many other reef-dwelling organisms. Other activities included hiking to learn about the island's geology, history, and plant life; kayaking over five miles along the rocky shore and around small islands; and boating around the Sea of Cortez to observe whales and dolphins.

Cathy Jones of McCook, second from the left, with McCook students who spent a week this summer on a science trip to Baja, Mexico. Students are, from left, Syd Wier, Haley Hudson, Whitney Loose, Kaity Elder and Amanda Slattery. Any students from McCook or area schools interested in a Baja 2014 trip may contact Jones at (308) 345-2326, or (308) 695-2326 after 4 p.m. (Cathy Jones/Courtesy Photo)

On three days, fin whales were observed; one day the boats were able to get within 100 meters of two adult fin whales courting. The students also saw a humpback whale and common and bottlenose dolphins. One afternoon was spent snorkeling with a sea lion colony.

Classes were held each evening and included lessons on the ecology of the island and the Sea of Cortez, along with information of the importance of the ocean in their lives -- even though they live in Nebraska. The students kept daily logs of the marine life they encountered and took part in presentations.

The students stayed in tents along the shore and went to sleep and woke up to the lapping of waves 10 feet from their tents. They ate authentic Mexican food and also took turns helping with daily chores around the camp.

This was a super experience for all the students. They saw unique geology and plant and animal life. They met great people and were able to participate in activities that were out of their normal comfort level. McCook and Cambridge were well represented by this group of students.

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  • Cathy Jones is a very good teacher.

    -- Posted by dennis on Tue, Aug 27, 2013, at 4:15 PM
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