S.C.O.R.E. Camp kayaking

Friday, April 19, 2013
Kayakjak/Courtesy Photo

"Kayakjak" Marty Hughes of Benkelman, Nebraska, will teach at the Chase County Schools Education Foundation's annual "SCORE" science camps in June. Hughes is Nebraska's only kayak fishing guide, with more than 42 years of angling experience. Hughes will teach SCORE camp sessions at Champion Lake June 12-14, sharing with young scientists the world of kayaking -- fishing, bird watching or just floating. Students in first through fourth grades are invited to attend SCORE camp; for more information contact director Marla Smith at mrsmith@chase3000.com. Registration is open for all camps: grades 1-2, June 10-12; grades 3-4, June 12-14; and grades 5-6, June 11-13. Brochures are available at area schools and at the website, www.scorecamp.com.

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