Council offers best wishes to missing member

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

McCOOK, Nebraska -- The McCook City Council expressed support for absent councilor Janet Hepp and her husband Greg, during their regularly scheduled meeting, Monday evening. Greg Hepp suffered a stroke less than two weeks ago, just prior to his final performance in the lead role of the Southwest Nebraska Community Theatre presentation of "South Pacific."

Councilor Janet Hepp is in Lincoln, Nebraska, supporting her husband's recovery.

"I hope Greg recovers quickly and is back to his usual self," said Councilor Bruce McDowell, adding that his father suffered a stroke at the age of 51, "it was really hard on him."

"Greg is a great singer and entertainer, hope he gets back to full health soon," said Mayor Dennis Berry.

Also during Monday's meeting, the engineering contract between the City of McCook and W. Design Associates for an East H Street improvement project was approved. The project includes a new concrete roadway and sidewalk handicap ramps on East H Street, from Norris Avenue to Airport Road.

Construction is scheduled to begin the week of April 15, 2013, and be under way the entire summer.

The contract with W. Design allows for up to $130,811 in maximum design fees. The overall construction project will be completed by Paulsen Inc. for the bid amount of $1,648,734.

Details about how the project will affect traffic will be reviewed during a public pre-construction meeting on Thursday, April 4, 2013, 7 p.m., at the Heritage Senior Center. During the meeting city staff will discuss the proposed phasing plan, the estimated time of construction and the impact on adjoining property owners.

Portions of East H Street are scheduled to be closed during the project and residents required to use alternate travel routes. The intersection of East 11th Street and East H Street is scheduled to remain open at all times for hospital and clinic access.

Other items on the consent and regular agenda:

* Councilors approved a proclamation declaring the week of April 14-20, 2013, as "National Public Safety Telecommunications Week."

"The police department does an excellent job with the service they provide our community," said Mayor Dennis Berry.

* Encroachment permits along Country Club Drive, East Seventh Street, East Fifth Street and Seminole Drive were approved without comment. According to the meeting agenda, the permits are required to qualify for federal funding assistance for the East Seventh Street improvement project scheduled to begin the Spring of 2014.

* Terry Sitzman was approved to close West C Street on May 4, between Norris Avenue and West First Street, from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m., for an annual car show.

* The annual Medicaid and Long-Term Care Provider Agreement between the City of McCook Public Transit and American Medical Response was approved.

* A request from Southwest Nebraska Habitat for Humanity to host a 5k road race through several residential neighborhoods, Saturday, April 27, 2013, was approved. The race will begin and end at Norris Park, with registration at 7 a.m. and an 8 a.m. start time.

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