On the record

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

This information is gathered at the McCook Public Safety Center, the McCook office of the Nebraska State Patrol, the Red Willow County Courthouse, the Red Willow County Sheriff's Office and the McCook Humane Society.

Police activity

Activity log

These items are taken from reports filed by the McCook Police Department. The locations refer to block numbers, not specific addresses. If you have information about any of these reports, call the police department at (308) 345-3450.


5:04 a.m., Northeast McCook -- security check

9:20 a.m., 200 block of West C -- found dog

9:40 a.m., 1000 block of north U.S. HIghway North 83 -- citizen ssist

10:23 a.m., 500 block of East C -- vicious dog ordinance compliance

11:38 a.m., 100 block of East F -- parking complaint

12:24 p.m., 1200 block of West 10th -- disturbance

1:57 p.m., Northeast McCook -- security check

3:10 p.m., 800 block of E. Fifth -- dog at large

3:11 p.m., 2100 block of W. Third -- credit card fraud

4:02 p.m., Rural Northeast Indianola -- dispatched Indianola Ambulance

4:33 p.m., 1400 block of E. Circle Drive -- dog at large

4:46 p.m., 1100 block of Country Club Drive -- parking complaint

5:04 p.m., 1900 block of West B -- forgery

5:34 p.m., West Second and F -- traffic accident

5:35 p.m., McCook area --report of abuse of a vulnerable adult

6:03 p.m., 1600 block of W. Fourth -- deliver message

9:10 p.m., 1300 block of East B - suspicious activity

County Court

Jessie E. Ebert, 39, 1105 West 12th Street -- theft by shoplifting less than $200 (Aug. 18, 2012, incident at Walmart), dismissed by Red Willow County Attorney Paul Wood; theft by shoplifting $200-$499 (Aug. 20, 2012, incident at Walmart), dismissed by Wood.

Joshua D. Slater, 25, Indianola, Nebraska -- speeding 101 mph in a 65 mph zone, $300 fine.

William R. Ferguson, 68, Tekamah, Nebraska -- speeding 38 mph in a 25 mph zone, $75 fine.

Randy W. Blankenship, 57, 1407 West 16th Street -- no registration, $25 fine.

Kolton W. Stone, 17, 71981 U.S. Highway 83 -- speeding 41 mph in a 30 mph zone, $75 fine.

Shelby L. Lytle, 21, 607 East I Street -- speeding 75 mph in a 65 mph zone, $25 fine.

Laura Nunez, 23, 1201 East A Street -- procure/sell alcohol to a minor, $150 fine, probation 12 months; no seatbelt, dismissed by Red Willow County Attorney Paul Wood; open alcohol container, dismissed by Wood.

Joe Subberto Lopez IV, 18, 1107 E. Third Street -- MIP under 19, probation 3 months.

Dawnovan M. Polfus, 22, 1411 West 15th Street -- violate stop sign, $75 fine.

Jacob W. Bretton, 21, 609 West E Street -- speeding 35 mph in a 25 mph zone, $25 fine.

Chase A. Downey, 18, Indianola, Nebraska -- hunt wildlife with artificial light, $250 fine.

Ryan A. Zurcher, 18, Wilber, Nebraska -- speeding 84 mph in a 65 mph zone, $125 fine.

Brent E. Barton, 56, Keller, Texas -- speeding 85 mph in a 65 mph zone, $125 fine.

Ambulance Calls


1:00 a.m., 100 block of E. Fifth Street -- public assisnt, no transport

8:59 a.m., 1000 block of Westridge -- medical, transport to Community Hospital

11:35 a.m., 500 block of Missouri Avenue Circle --trauma, transport to Community Hospital

12:02 p.m., 300 block of West Q Street -- medical/trauma, transport to Community Hospital

5:04 p.m., 800 block of West 14th Street -- medical, no transport

8:56 p.m., 1500 block of East 11th Street --smoke scare, no transport


3:24 a.m., 400 block of Norris Avenue -- medical, no transport

7:01 p.m., 1500 block of East 11th Street -- trauma, no transport


3:45 p.m., 400 block of Missouri Avenue -- trauma, transport to Community Hospital


9:25 a.m., 400 block of Elizabeth Lane --medical, transport to Community Hospital

Pet Patrol 345-2372

FOUND DOG: An adult brown and white unaltered male Australian Shepherd mix was found trying to go shopping at JC Penny and brought to the Humane Society on Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2013.

FOUND DOG: A very mature neutered male chocolate Lab and a neutered male black and white Boston Terrier were found wandering in Danbury and brought to the Humane Society on Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2013.

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