Hillcrest sorting out financials

Thursday, January 24, 2013
Officers elected at Tuesday's Hillcrest meeting include, front from left, Janice Bamesburger, treasurer, Karen Kliment, secretary, back row, Jim Howard, president, Randy Dean, vice president, Jim Hall, past president. (Lorri Sughroue/McCook Daily Gazette)

McCOOK, Nebraska -- The good news is that Hillcrest Nursing Home garnered $60,000 more revenue for December 2012 than the same time last year.

The bad news is that some invoices and operating expenses in the financial program used at the county-owned nursing home do not add up, according to Hillcrest administrator Colinda Nappa.

Nappa told the Hillcrest Board of Trustees at its regular meeting Tuesday that she wasn't clear if the discrepancies occurred because of the way the program was set-up or because of the way figures are being entered.

In either case, at this point, "I hate too say it, but I can't trust what the computer says," Nappa said, although "the things I can actually verify...we're improving at," such as the gain in revenue.

The board also elected officers for 2013. Randy Dean made the motion for Jim Howard as president, new board trustee, Karen Kliment, as secretary and Janice Bamesburger, continuing as treasurer. The motion was approved unanimously. Howard then made the motion, which the board also approved unanimously, of Randy Dean as vice president.

Kliment, who takes the place of Gary Wiemers, is the vice president of Ancillary Services at Community Hospital.

As of Tuesday, the nursing home had 85 residents, with 11 as skilled, one as hospice, 41 as state aid and 31 as private. The facility can have 100 residents.

Nappa also told the board that officials from the Grand Island Veterans Administration would be inspecting the facility Jan. 31, in preparation of possible designation of Hillcrest for veteran care.

The process could take up to six months. If designated, the VA could assist in payments for veterans if they meet certain criteria, such as being more than 70 percent disabled.

In other business, the board briefly discussed the idea of a chapel for Hillcrest.

Private donations, plus proceeds from the Hillcrest Foundation golf tournament and 'Night on the Hill" have been earmarked for a chapel.

In 2010, designs for a chapel that was to be built on to the existing building, were nixed by the McCook Planning Commission.

Board members discussed scaling down the design and designating space within the building for a chapel, such as remodeling existing rooms.

Nappa was directed to contact a teacher at McCook High School, to see if students would like to offer their suggestions in the design, to save costs.

In other business:

* maintenance staff are in the process of switching out incandescent light fixtures for LED bulbs. Incandescent bulbs are being phased out and a certain percentage of costs will be rebated on Hillcrest's electric bill in the form of credits.

* Ashley Lewis was introduced as the new Social Services director

* Deb Stoney, director of nursing, said more nurses have been hired but they are still looking for more.

* Hillcrest will be hiring a new barber, with the resignation of Michael Simmons, who was with Hillcrest for 15 years.

* in recognition of Hillcrest's 50-year anniversary in June, the Hillcrest Foundation will print a cookbook that includes employee recipes.

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