Fire training at new facility

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Bruce Baker/McCook Daily Gazette

McCook fireman Shane Smith instructs area fire fighters during a training session at the Municipal Facility, Saturday morning. The training room at the new facility serves not only as a significant upgrade from training sessions that were previously coordinated in the bay area of the old facility, but also offers the McCook Fire Department the opportunity to expand their role as a hub for fire training in the region.

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  • Looks nice and very functional, good job McCook.

    -- Posted by michaelh.1155 on Wed, Jan 23, 2013, at 2:34 PM
  • Mark up another victory for progress moving forward in McCook and its supporters vs the old timers way and old days of letting everything go till its broke,rundown or closed by regulation issues or safety concerns.

    Now get that county jail built and then figure out where to put in a new county/city area wide landfill vs continuing costly transportation of 100 miles 1 way hauls and continuing contract issues with current and past trash haulers them not understanding a contract is a contract and wanting to renegotiate every few months with the city.

    McCook can run and operate its own landfill and cut out many hauling costs and create local jobs vs padding a corporation owner bottom line vs helping local taxpayers. A new local area landfill owned by city of McCook will allow it to make money off other local smaller towns/or partnerships with the same trash hauling issues like McCook.

    Bottom line paying others/hauling for on going services is not a long term solution when it comes to trash and prisoners and other things as McCook taxpayers finally figured it out after decades of denial..

    -- Posted by Cornwhisperer on Wed, Jan 23, 2013, at 5:22 PM
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