Downtown McCook gets new look under consultant's plan

Thursday, October 25, 2012
Cary Thomsen of RDG Planning and Design, middle, explains illustrations he developed that propose a park area between the Keystone Business Center and the Fox Theatre. The proposed park would be part of a downtown development grant sought by the city. Behind Thomsen, from left, Public Works Director Kyle Potthoff, Longnecker Jewelery owner Bill Longnecker and Mayor Dennis Berry. (Bruce Baker/McCook Daily Gazette)

McCOOK, Nebraska -- Planning and design professionals presented a multitude of ideas and projects Wednesday evening that promise to bring an inviting new look and feel to the downtown McCook shopping experience.

The public meeting served as a preliminary step in drafting a downtown development plan that is part of the city's application for an anticipated $350,000 CDBG grant.

Marty Shukert, with RDG Planning and Design of Omaha, said his group focused on developing ideas that could realistically be accomplished by McCook, from a financial standpoint, as well as creating a development plan that could be accomplished in stages. They appeared to hit their mark, with McCook Utilities Director Jesse Dutcher commending the group and saying its ideas could easily be done in phases by the city.

One of the ideas presented Wednesday included creating a park area between the Fox Theatre and Keystone Business Center on Norris Avenue, flowing into an enhanced parking lot across the alley to the west. (Courtesy photo)

City Manager Jeff Hancock echoed Dutcher's comments and said that after one of the projects was completed it would stimulate support and excitement for the next.

The development ideas included creating a park between the Keystone Business Center and the Fox Theatre, extending into the property west of the Keystone and including redeveloping of that parking area. The park would be equipped with a water feature to attract youth in the summer and be able to be turned off, for activities such as displaying outdoor movies on the side of the Fox.

A parking lot and development area also was proposed that would include the section of East First Street between East D and East C. The area would offer additional housing units and beautify the area to maximize use of what developers recognized as a scenic view looking south.

RDG representatives explained that the parking area needed to be tied to Norris Avenue, so that shoppers would want to park there, and proposed a walkway that curled north to the Fox Theatre, as well as enhancing the alley behind the Norris facing businesses to create additional retail opportunities.

The intersection at Norris and B Street, as well as the intersection that the McCook JC Penneys faces, were both included as areas to enhance with curb work and green spaces.

The Norris Avenue area South of B Street was also an area of focus for the designers. Redeveloping the building that was formerly the home of the McCook Area Chamber of Commerce, into a walk-thru retail area, was proposed. The retail area would lead into a redeveloped parking lot at the corner of East A Street and East First Street.

That parking lot would be further enhanced by the city building a metal-canopy shelter in the parking lot that would serve as an ideal home for the McCook Farmer's Market. Vendors would be able to back their vehicles to the sheltered area and shoppers would be able to shop from under the canopy.

The canopy was proposed to be designed to compliment the nearby Kildare Lumber Company building.

Designers also proposed a walking path on the south side of East A Street that would tie Norris Avenue to key businesses such as the Loop Brewing Company.

RDG representatives explained that the proposed redevelopment would not only stimulate retail activity, but would create several opportunities favorable to housing developers and new retailers.

The retail opportunities discussed focused on small modular business locations, ideal for "mom and pop" businesses.

RDG representatives will continue to work with the McCook Planning Steering Committee to refine drafts and compile cost estimates prior to a January public presentation.

Public input is still being sought on the project and can be submitted online at:

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