'Reformed Procrastinator' featured speaker Sept. 21
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The Christian Women's Club will meet Friday, Sept. 21 at the First Congregational Church, 212 East Street with the theme, "It's About Time."
The speaker will be Marcia Johnson, a "reformed procrastinator" who will give timely tips to help people cope. Marcia did mission work in Sierra Leone as a young adult and she and her daughter revisited Sierra Leone in 2005 after 10 years of war there. She asked Jesus into her life at age eight. When she felt unloved as a teenager, she was transformed by daily Bible reading in college. She was greatly helped by the First Baptist Church as a new mom and has found victory over cancer and depression with the help of God.
Currently she is a private music teacher and substitute teacher in local k-12 schools.
A special program will be presented by Preschool Dance and Robin Marks, owner/instructor. She will have 10 students performing. 345-8963.
Everyone is welcome. Reservations are appreciated by Sept. 19. Call Lavine Ellis, 345-1131, if no one answers, please leave a message.
Free child care is available, notify how many you are bringing. Please give name of each child when you call with reservations. Rolls and coffee will be served. $5.50 inclusive.
Reservations should be honored, canceled or used by a friend.
The invitation sponsor was V.K. Electronics, 606 W. B Street in McCook.