Curtis State Bank employees earn diplomas

CURTIS, Nebraska -- Curtis State Bank is proud to announce that three of their employees have recently received diplomas.
Lacy Bryant, Teller/Bookkeeper at Curtis State Bank recently completed her Bachelors Degree with Bellevue University. She received her Bachelors Degree in Business Administration and Finance.
Jolynn Richardson, also a Teller/Bookkeeper at Curtis State Bank recently completed her Associates Degree in Business Administration through Colorado Technical University.

Angela Campbell, Operations Officer of Curtis State Bank, recently completed the 2012 Operations School. Completion of this course assists students in developing skills which allow them to better serve their banking community.
"Curtis State Bank is excited to have such a dedicated and knowledgeable staff that strives to be better for themselves, our community, and customers. Congratultations Lacy, Jo and Angie," Curtis Heapy, Community Bank President.
Curtis State Bank, chartered in 1910, is looking ahead to the opportunities of the next hundred years as agriculture and banking technology develop locally and globally. Local ownership, local decision making, and quality staff combine to continue the tradition of cultivating relationships in Western Nebraska. For more information visit