City begins plans for moving out

Friday, April 13, 2012

McCOOK, Nebraska -- The McCook Police and Fire departments are anticipated to be relocated into the new voter-approved Municipal Facility before the end of the year, prompting the McCook City Council to begin discussions about the future of current facilities.

Councilors will consider authorizing city staff to draft a letter to the Red Willow County Commissioners Monday evening, 7:30 p.m., during their regularly scheduled meeting at Memorial Auditorium. City staff has recommended the letter reiterate the City's willingness to allow commissioners to use the existing police and fire station, which also includes the city's jail facility which recently passed its annual jail standards inspection. The letter would request from the County Commissioner's any potential short and long term needs for the building.

The McCook Police Department has covered the county's responsibility to provide jail services for many years, after the County allowed its jail facility to fall below jail standards. The new Municipal Facility will provide many enhancements to city staff, but the cost of continuing to provide jail services was ultimately left out of the building plans after County Commissioners voted not to participate in the Municipal Facility project.

The impending lack of a city jail facility has prompted County Commissioners to proceed with their own highly criticized Law Enforcement Center, to be constructed on Norris Avenue.

Also during the meeting representatives from the Members of the Alliance for the Encouragement of Visual and Performing Arts will review and discuss options pertaining to the lone bid that was received for a proposed Fox Theatre renovation project. McCook Contracting bid on the grant funded project at $505,000.

City staff, in addition to the Planning Commission, have recommended councilors deny a request from Randy and Curtis Lashley to allow a truck and farm equipment repair facility to be located at the southeast corner of Drive 716 and Road 383. A public hearing will be coordinated to discuss the request, which states that a 40' by 60' commercial building would be constructed to accommodate the business.

City staff indicated in the meeting agenda that the proposed commercial business would not follow the suggested residential use of the location noted in the City's comprehensive plan and would impact existing residences.

The Mayor's appointments to the Building Advisory and Appeals Board and Building Code Review Committee will be considered for ratification.

Steve Walters, Steve Lyne, Kathy Lester and Paul Goodenberger have been recommended for appointment to the Advisory and Appeals Board.

Jim Coady, Roger Henthorn, Jerda Garey, Steve Walters, Steve Lyne, Kathy Lester and Paul Goodenberger have been recommended for appointment to the Code Review Committee.

The employment agreement with new City Manager Jeff Hancock included him being responsible for a $1,000 annual administrative fee for participation in a 401(a) retirement savings plan. City staff has been informed by the plan administrator that the City Manager could not be personally liable for the fee and amendments to his employment contract will be considered by the City Council.

Other items on the consent and regular agenda:

* A recommendation to the Department of Transportation to accept the annual air service proposal from Great Lakes Aviation for McCook Ben Nelson Regional Airport will be considered. Great Lakes provided the only proposal for air service and intends to continue the 12 non-stop round trip flights per week from McCook to Denver, Colorado. The annual subsidy paid to Great Lakes will be $1,976,338.

* Councilors will consider proclamations declaring April 27 as Arbor Day, the month of May 2012 as "Bike Month," May 14-18 as "Bike to Work Week" and May 18 as "Bike to Work Day."

* Terry Sitzman is coordinating the McCook Annual Car Show and has requested to close West C Street, between Norris Avenue and West First Street, from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. on May 5, 2012. The

* MO Dough LLC has applied for a special liquor license for the Story Telling Festival in June and a reunion in September, both at the Keystone Business Center.

* A & N Restaurant has requested a special liquor license for a fund raiser at the Red Willow County 4-H Building in May.

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  • What ever happened to reporting the news from a factual point. The city jail was not that well recieved yet you make it sound like everybody wanted it. lets spend money in a recession...

    -- Posted by big32bubba on Sat, Apr 14, 2012, at 5:46 AM
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