Lunch price increase tabled again

Thursday, April 12, 2012

McCOOK, Nebraska -- School lunch prices will be increased, but just how much and when it will be implemented is still not clear.

The McCook School Board tabled any action at the regular meeting Monday night. McCook School District Business Manager Rick Haney told the board that the federal government will provide a formula for schools, that will calculate the rate and what amount the increase would be.

The increase is needed to respond to new federal guidelines concerning government reimbursements to schools offering free- and reduced-price lunches.

To meet the new guidelines, the McCook School system was notified last year that it will have to increase meal prices by 30 cents.

In June 2011, the board approved a 10-cent price hike for school breakfasts and lunches, with the idea to increase prices gradually.

At that time, the board approved another 10-cent increase implemented in two years, with an additional 10-cent increase two years after that.

Board members tabled at their February meeting the proposed 5-cent increase, until more information from the state was received.

School lunch prices now are $1.95 at McCook Elementary, $2.05 at Central Elementary and $2.20 at the Junior/Senior High.

Also at Monday's meeting, the board approved surplus items in the district to be sold. Those items included: Chem-free parts washer, valve refacer, grand car lift TP-9, four engine stands, 8-foot wooden door, 19-foot steel track for a door, 4' by 4' rollup steel door, three 16-foot green chalk boards, and six basketball backboards with goals.

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