Barack bows to Boehner
Dear Editor,
Pigs have flown! Hell is frozen solid! Barack Obama has "bowed" to Speaker John Boehner! -- or so the headlines report. How shocking to progressive sensibilities! However, is this not the same man who without hesitation bows before foreign potentates? Oh, but they are not his "subjects."
Newsflash, Barack: America is a republic, not a monarchy -- and you are not king. You do not command the Speaker of the House to give audience on a whim; but rather submit a timely request, which the Speaker rightly holds the prerogative to deny. Moreover, Executive appeals to speak before a joint session of Congress require the consent of both Houses -- and procedural rules define the process. Mr. Obama should have reviewed those formalities prior to his taxpayer-funded golfing spree on Martha's Vineyard; but that consideration would have upset his scheduled tee-off. However, in Barack Obama's world, it is perfectly proper that he run roughshod over the scheduled events of others -- for kings may do that, you know.
Formal rules apply in these matters, because, notwithstanding Mr. Obama's protests, the three branches of the Federal Government are co-sovereign but not "co-equal." Primacy is exclusive to the Legislature; for not by accident did the framers organize its powers under Article I of the Constitution -- that "intrinsically flawed" document, which Mr. Obama prefers Americans ignore. However, we have come to understand that Barack Obama disdains rules, and particularly the rule of law (See Operation Fast and Furious). For in as much as he ignores the separation of powers, with similar vigor he disregards the Fourth and Tenth Amendments, and likewise he despises property rights (See EPA, et al, regulatory abuses). In fact, so often does Barack Obama demonstrate ignorance of (or contempt for) our supreme law, that many Americans now wonder whether this "constitutional scholar" ever intended fidelity to its principles of individual liberty or restriction on government action. Thus Mr. Obama's latest tantrum, expressed over the legislative rebuke of his violation of procedure, comes without surprise.
The king demands his way, the rules be damned -- and most Americans too, if some within the royal court had their way.
"King" Barack is offended by one of his subjects? Oh, the unpardonable insult that a free American should challenge this narcissistic pest on whatever he presently demands our assent! High Treason against the King! We must all bend knee to his will, else we find ourselves imprisoned "domestic terrorists!" Recall that a less eloquent subject of his court has demanded that we rebellious patriots "go straight to Hell" -- and immediately the same resolved to "help us get there." I wonder which party truly looks to "hang us from a tree." If history is my guide, that would not be the TEA Party, but rather the party most popular with plantation owners -- not one of whom was Republican, and yet each did fancy himself "lord" over the multitude of "inferior" men.
To quote Mark Twain, "History does not repeat itself, but it does rhyme;" and we, the unfortunate heirs of progressive Camelot, are yet the latest in a long line of "inferiors" ordered to bow beneath the crack of the king's whip -- because you do not say "no" to the king -- just ask anyone in the mainstream media.
Bruce C. A. Desautels
Stratton, Nebraska