
J.L. Schmidt

Capitol View

Nebraska Press Association


How the race is shaping up for the GOP

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

LINCOLN -- Deb Fischer did it.

The two-term lawmaker / rancher from Valentine joined the race for the Republican nomination to the U.S. Senate.

Several Nebraska governors -- Jim Exon, Bob Kerrey, incumbents Ben Nelson and Mike Johanns -- have won Senate elections. State senators? Can't recall any.

Leading GOP candidates already in the Nebraska GOP contest are State Treasurer Don Stenberg and Attorney General Jon Bruning.

All three must be encouraged by recent news from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. The DNCC says that if it doesn't reach fundraising goals it won't provide money to some campaigns, including that of U.S. Sen. Ben Nelson, the Nebraska incumbent.

Welfare Watchdogs

Nebraska's Department of Health and Human Services remains No. 1 in the nation when it comes to policing the federal food stamp program, now known as SNAP.

In fiscal 2010 the state had a zero rate of error in denying food stamps to those who weren't qualified for them.

That effort earned Nebraska bonus from the feds, in excess of $300,000.

Flooding and Football

It's easy to understand the national and international attention draw by Nebraska's two nuclear power plants as they ward off flooding on the Missouri River.

From Japan to Germany and around the globe, the citizenry has grown leery and weary of problems and potential problems associated with nuclear generation of electricity.

A central element of coverage and commentary has centered on the credibility of the federal government -- via the Army Corps of Engineers -- in keeping the public informed on the status of things at the Fort Calhoun nuclear power plant and the Cooper Nuclear Station.

The situation is remindful, to some, of the famous admonition from the late Robert Novak, who was among the most conservative of conservative national columnists: "Always love your country. Never trust your government."

Some observers have always viewed Novak's advice as absolutely sage. Others have seen it as reflective of a somewhat too cynical view.

The view from here: To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, "Verify before you trust!"

Will it matter?

In some states, Democratic candidates for the House and Senate are expected to enumerate and laud the projects, programs and jobs that resulted from the economic stimulus package pushed by President Obama and approved by Congress.

After all, lots of incumbents from both political parties took lots of bows, in person, when those things took effect in their territory. In Nebraska, the federal funds were used largely to balance the state's budget, and thus saving Nebraskans from higher state tax rates.

In Nebraska, however, it might appear the stimulus in general had such negative political connotations among the electorate that it couldn't serve as a political plus.

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  • Good riddance to Judas Ben Nelson! As the November elections proved, this is no longer a usual election cycle, as ANY GOPer beats the incumbent Nelson. Ben Nelson's infamous Cornhusker Kickback bribe, taxpayer funding of Abortions via ObamaCare and Planned Parenthood, and almost $4 TRILLION in new deficits has sealed his doom. Time for the good people of McCook to move Ben's statue out to sewage treatment plant...

    -- Posted by 9th ID on Wed, Jul 6, 2011, at 5:38 PM
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  • "Nebraska's Department of Health and Human Services remains No. 1 in the nation when it comes to policing the federal food stamp program, now known as SNAP.

    In fiscal 2010 the state had a zero rate of error in denying food stamps to those who weren't qualified for them."

    I read that following statement twenty minutes ago and I just now stopped laughing. Here is why: I live in one of the poorer parts of Lincoln. My apartment is in a higher crime neighborhood that is almost 100% composed of rental properties. My one quarter block area probably has 40 rental units. A large percentage of the residents are on food stamps. The first two months after I moved in I would have several of these neighbors offering to sell me high dollar food items. Things like T-Bones, Shrimp or Salmon steaks in unopened packages at about one third of the retail price marked on the package. I noticed this usually happened around the first Wednesday of each month. That is coincidentally about the time FOOD STAMPS are given out. I know but can't prove several of these people are dope dealers, prostitutes, illegals or worse. In fifteen months three of these folks have been sent to prison for dope and violent offenses. If Nebraska is the best

    in the country for Food Stamp administration it explains HOW our government can spend the trillions of dollars they do every year.

    -- Posted by Big Chief on Thu, Jul 7, 2011, at 1:45 PM
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  • Jon Bruning will be in McCook for a meet and greet event Monday July 18 from 7-8:30 p.m. at the Republican Valley Event Center. This is open to the public and a great chance to hear why the Nebraska Attorney General thinks he should replace McCook's own Ben Nelson in the Senate.

    -- Posted by dennis on Thu, Jul 14, 2011, at 3:33 PM
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  • Oh boy Jon boy is coming to town. Is the bill being paid by him or the state?

    I'll bet it's "offical" state business.......LMAO.

    -- Posted by goarmy67 on Fri, Jul 15, 2011, at 4:33 PM
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