Towns in 10th place, need more votes for sweepstakes

Tuesday, April 19, 2011
The Southwest Nebraska communities of Benkelman, Haigler, Max, Parks and Stratton are proposing a make-over of their buildings, and a rejuvenation of dreams of what they can be. Cast a vote -- a "cheer" -- for the Southwest Nebraska "Paint our Town" project in a Readers Digest sweepstakes at in which the project could win up to $40,000. In the vision of "Paint our Town" project supporters, the old Elmer Harper filling station could become a coffee shop, a boutique or a farmers market. The elevator at the south end of Chief Street could become a steakhouse. (

BENKELMAN, Nebraska -- The Southwest Nebraska towns of Benkelman, Haigler, Max, Parks and Stratton have captured 10th place in a Readers Digest sweepstakes called "We Hear You, America," and they need more votes -- "cheers" -- to move up and win municipal prizes ranging from $10,000 to $40,000.

The deadline to enter this Internet contest is 11:59 p.m. EDT, Monday, May 30.

Winners of four prizes are determined by tallying all the votes received for each community.

Votes for the Dundy County project can be cast by voting for 69021 at

The Dundy County Stratton project would use its winnings to fund the marketing of its make-over plan -- "Paint Our Town" -- an effort to return to the simplicity, charm and spirit of the 1950s. According to the project's web site, the '50s embodies "the bond of community and the sense of pride in service and product."

The website, sponsored by the Dundy County Chamber of Commerce, starts with "What We Have," continues with "What We Need" and includes "Seeking Professionals" and "We Have Potential."

"What We Have" includes a working soda fountain at the museum, a bluegrass festival, a drive-in restaurant, a one-projector community-owned theater, a home-owned carnival, a yearly car show, a ping-pong tournament, town-wide garage sales, a vineyard and a winery and lakes.

"What We Need" includes businesses, a nostalgic diner, a bakery and a candy store, a drive-in movie theater, a farmers market ... a creamery ... more vineyards ... a micro-brewery ... more ideas.

"Seeking Professionals" lists an architect, CPSs and lawyers, a civil engineer, marketer ... an events coordinator ...

The website opens, "This web site looks simple because it's supposed to be. If you are looking to urbanize our towns, please move on now! Our goal here is to return our towns to the charm and simplicity of yesteryear ... be part of the dream."

While the communities are not advocating "poodle skirts and bobby socks," they are cheering for the spirit of the '50s, and want others to support their dream.

Vote -- before Monday, May 30 -- at

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  • Thank you everyone for help....only one month of cheering left. You can cheer 10 times every day. Thank you!!!!

    -- Posted by blecha30 on Wed, Apr 20, 2011, at 7:22 AM
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  • What a great idea for this building. I look forward to working with anyone on this development. Gary Jordan, owner of this building.

    -- Posted by Wheat on Wed, Apr 20, 2011, at 11:19 AM
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  • Please help a neighboring Nebraska town!! Thanks!!!

    -- Posted by jilly on Fri, Apr 22, 2011, at 1:11 AM
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  • Thanks so much for the media coverage on our efforts. The Dundy County/Stratton area has much to be proud of and to look forward to in the future.

    -- Posted by Tiger89 on Wed, Apr 27, 2011, at 8:57 AM
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  • Thanks for the article...this was our spring board to our underdog role...We were on NTV last night and they played us off as the Hoosier underdog role. Thank you Thank you!! You can see the video at Results&activePane=info&rnd=31100959

    -- Posted by blecha30 on Fri, May 6, 2011, at 9:02 AM
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  • This is our male cheerleader video...lots of fun!! Thanks everyone!!

    -- Posted by blecha30 on Sun, May 8, 2011, at 11:38 PM
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