Abortion survivor speaks
Dear Editor,
Last Saturday (Jan. 29), a young woman stood before thousands of Nebraskans in the UNL student union, and held the attention of every man, woman and child crowded into the room. Melissa Ohden stood before us, healthy, vibrant, a wife and mother, and the survivor of a failed abortion.
In August 1977, her mother entered St. Luke's hospital in Sioux City, Iowa, to abort her 5-month-gestation child. A saline infusion abortion technique was employed, and five days later, the baby -- anticipated to be born dead -- was born alive!
The fact that Melissa Ohden owes her life to the failure of her mother's abortion, should make it undeniably clear to us, that every successful abortion ends in the death of a child. In this case, the medical procedure "failed," and thus a human life was spared. Think about it.
Melissa Ohden was adopted by a loving family, and grew up to earn her master's degree in social work. Eventually she was able to locate her biological father's and mother's families. Because her biological father died, his family has reached out to Melissa, and now treasures her life, her love, and the love of her husband and child. Think about that. How easily many have encouraged the abortion of their own grandchild in the misguided belief that the grandchild's life would "get in the way" of plans for their daughter. Ancient wisdom says, "Destroy one life and you annihilate a universe." How many "universes" of love, life and wonder have we annihilated in America over the last 38 years? 53 million.
One of Melissa's most memorable comments on Saturday was, "I don't have much to say anymore about when life begins ... I just show up!"
I hope my friends, neighbors, and the medical community in Southwest Nebraska, will show up too--stand up for the unborn. Spread the word that abortion kills children, devastates parents, and hurts families.
Sondra Jonson
Cambridge, Nebraska