Letter to the Editor

Humane Society grateful for support

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Dear Editor,

The members of the McCook Humane Society would like to thank the caring and thoughtful people who have given donations to help with the care of the unwanted and neglected pets of the area. Each donation goes directly to keeping the doors open and improving the operation of our shelter. There are no middle men, no highly paid executives and no gold watches given.

Whether it is a many-times folded and crumpled $5 bill, in a plain envelope, from an anonymous friend or a donation for a specific reason such as Christmas or caring for the rescued dogs from a puppy mill, each and every donation is greatly appreciated.

We have an exciting year ahead of us with the wonderful addition that was made possible by the donations and memorials given to help add additional kennels and an improved isolation room to the shelter.

The ads on TV showing the sad eyed animals in shelters makes people aware of the problem of too many pets and not enough homes. It also reminds pet owners the importance of spaying and neutering to lessen the overflow in the cages and kennels at the shelters.

The McCook Humane Society is fortunate to have a great crew of hard working and caring people working at the shelter seven days a week. Stop in and tell them how much they are appreciated and take a tour of our fine establishment as it is a rare blessing in a town the size of McCook.

The business end of the McCook Humane Society is determined by the Board of Directors, these are people who are interested in the operation of the animal shelter. At the present time there are opening for four additional board members.

They meet once a month for a couple of hours and it is not a requirement to live in McCook. If you would like to know more about helping out in this capacity, contact one of the members for more information.

We take this time to wish all of you a "Merry Christmas" and a "Happy New Year!" Again we thank the caring and thoughtful people who open their hearts and resources to help us keep our doors open.

Thanks again from the board members,

Anne Dowd,


Joyce Peterson,


Amy Strauch,


Marilyn Cuellar,


Connie Padgett, Mary Keslin, Joyce Stupka, Gerry Kelsch

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