Berls, Seller wedding

Friday, September 25, 2009
Dr. Aaron and Brooke Seller

WILMINGTON, N.C. --Brooke Berls and Dr. Aaron Seller, both of Erie, Pa., exchanged wedding vows on June 6, 2009 at St. Mark Catholic Church in Wilmington, N.C. with Msgr. Matthew Hendrick officiating.

The bride is the daughter of Larry and Sheila Berls of McCook and granddaughter, of Millie Gates of Waterloo and the late Joe and Laura Berls.

The bridegroom is the son of Chris and Terry Seller of Wilmington, N.C., and the grandson of Nancy Birchler of Punta Gorda, Fla./Syracuse, N.Y., and Tom and Lillian Wysko of Mooers, N.Y.

Maids of honor were the bride's sisters, Amber of Omaha and Shandi and Heather of Wilmington, N.C. Bridesmaids were Megan Stein of Erie, Pa., and sister of the bridegroom, Dana Seller of Wilmington, N.C.

The best man was William Buck. Bridegroomsmen were Randy, Alex and Ryan, brothers of the bridegroom and Nick Beccarino.

The flower girl was Skylyn Pace, niece of the bride and Brandon Berls-Ross, nephew of the bride, was the ring bearer.

The bride wore a Maggie Sotterro beaded gown and was escorted down the aisle by her father.

The recessional song was performed by guitarist Alex Seller and organist, Larry Mclendon.

The reception was at the Roudabush Room at Balcony on Dock Street. Shandi Berls, sister of the bride, designed the wedding invitations, programs and pottery used in the table settings.

After a honeymoon in Puerto Vallerta, Mexico, the couple has moved Gainesville, Fla., where the bridegroom has begun his one year internship followed by a three-year Residency at Shands, University of Florida. He received his Medical Degree in May from Lake Erie College of Medicine. The bride is a 2003 graduate of Alegent School of Radiologic Technology in Omaha and is employed as a radiological technician and medical assistant at Solantic Urgent Care in Ocala, Fla.

Cards of congratulations will reach the couple at 5333 SW 75th Street, Apt. No. 5 -Gainesville, FL 32608