Letter to the Editor

Gasoline mystery

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Dear Editor,

During the three-hour drive from York to McCook this past week, I couldn't help but notice a great discrepancy in gas prices: $2.41 in York, $2.59 in all the communities from Holdrege to McCook.

The obvious question is "Why?"

It must cost 18 cents per gallon to ship it from the York Casey's or Bosselman's store to McCook/Holdrege. A quick Google search showed that semi tankers are allowed to carry 8,000 gallons of gas on board. 18 cents x 8,000 gallons = $1,440. The guess here is that it doesn't cost those companies anywhere near $1,440 to run a semi from York to Holdrege or McCook

The logical answer to the question "why does every station from McCook to Holdrege charge exactly $2.59 for gas?" seems to be -- because they can.

Dan Malleck


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  • Buy all you gas in York. Problem solved.

    -- Posted by Meshedup on Wed, Aug 26, 2009, at 4:45 PM
    ! Report comment to editor
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