Mother killed returning from baby's 6-month checkup

Friday, July 17, 2009

ELSIE -- The mother of a baby boy, returning from her son's 6-month medical check-up, died in a collision of her van and a farm sprayer near Elsie on July 13.

The Imperial Republican reported that Debra Palser, 28, of Elsie died at the scene of the accident about 2 1/2 miles east of Elsie at the intersection of Highway 23 and a country road. Palser's son, Gage, and her cousin, Stacy Reasoner, 33, of Imperial, were transported to Perkins County Community Hospital in Grant. Gage was flown to a hospital in Scottsbluff, where he was treated for a broken arm and a slight concussion and released Tuesday. Reasoner was transported to the hospital in North Platte with fractured ribs and a collapsed lung, where, on Thursday, she remained hospitalized.

Palser and Reasoner were returning from North Platte, where Gage had his six-month check-up and Reasoner was undergoing physical therapy following back and neck surgery two months ago.

Nebraska State Patrol Trooper Dan Thompson of Imperial indicates in his report that seat belts were in use. The sprayer was driven by Ben Pelster, 32, of Elsie.

Rescue units from Grant and Wallace responded to the scene, as did fire departments from Grant, Elsie and Madrid.

Palser is the daughter of Pam and Dave Ridlen of Enders.

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