McCook's Jeff Gross named South head coach for Nebraska Shrine Bowl

Thursday, October 16, 2008

LINCOLN -- McCook High School's Jeff Gross and Mark Brahmer of Pierce will be the head coaches for the 2009 Nebraska Shrine Bowl football game.

The game will be played July 25 at 6:30 p.m. at Memorial Stadium.

Assisting Gross on the South team will be Rick Nordhues of Syracuse, Glen Snodgrass of Overton and Matt Turman of Omaha Skutt.

Brahmer's assistants will be Fred Doscher of Schuyler, Luke Gideon of Burwell and Todd Rice of North Platte.

Camps for the two teams will open July 16 at Doane College in Crete and Nebraska Wesleyan University.

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  • I think Coach Gross should respectfully decline this invitation. I can recall from years ago when Coach Dunham had this honor. It took away from his time to prepare us. Next year will be a transition for the Bison and his kids will need his utmost time and attention.

    -- Posted by wallismarsh on Sun, Oct 19, 2008, at 4:50 PM
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