Letter to the Editor

Burritos for polio

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Dear Editor,

Many readers are aware that Rotary Clubs around the world have provided humanitarian services for more than 100 years. One of the biggest project has been the effort to eradicate polio once and for all.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has stepped up to help the cause with a $100 million donation. Their expectation is that the 32,000 Rotary Clubs in 200 countries will match that over a three year period. Each club has been asked to contribute $1,000 each year for three years.

The McCook Rotary Club has accepted this challenge and will have a fundraiser on Sept. 27 (Saturday) before and during the Heritage Days Parade.

We plan to sell breakfast burritos near the Fox Theater between 8 and 11 a.m. Alan Gunther (Rotary member) has agreed to head up this project. We plan to sell the burritos for $3 and will also have coffee and juice available to purchase.

We are calling them Dr. Batty breakfast burritos in honor of Dr. John Batty and his 60 years of service to Rotary International. Dr. Batty served patients with polio during the 1950s and is also anxious for the world to get rid of this dreaded disease.

Please stop by the Rotary stand Saturday, Sept. 27, and say hello to your Rotary friends and try Alan's cooking.

Duane Tappe,

President, Rotary Club 1494.

P.S. I am aware that younger readers might not even be aware of polio. I went to grade school with a young man who had one arm about half the size of his other arm, due to polio. A college friend needed braces to walk because of his very thin legs as a result of polio.

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  • Hey Duane..I have 10# of sausage for a good price...

    call me @345-1187 or 737-8047..We also have some buritto shells left..call me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    -- Posted by BarbO on Thu, Sep 18, 2008, at 12:55 PM
    ! Report comment to editor
    Response by McCook:
    You better call him directly; I don't think he uses a computer ...
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