Candidate apologizes in advance for upcoming 'robocalls'
McCook City Council Candidate Mike O'Dell expressed apologies in advance of a voice broadcast, or "robocall" to be placed later this week. Scheduled relatively early in the campaign season, the call will precede the onslaught of phone robocalls to be placed by national campaigns in the last 30 days before the election.
"I don't know of very many people who look forward to receiving automated calls," O'Dell said. "We looked for other ways to gather information on a city-wide scale, and this is the only one that made economic sense."
O'Dell added, "The call addresses important local issues and is voiced by four of our McCook neighbors, so I hope that will generate genuine interest."
The full voice broadcast includes an endorsement message from four former city officials as well as polling and information distribution options. The entire call is expected to take about three minutes. An abbreviated version will be directed at answering machines.
O'Dell concluded, "This is the one and only automated call that I'll be sending out this election cycle. If I interrupt someone's evening meal or favorite television program, please accept my apologies."
Mike O'Dell, 46, is running for a seat on the McCook City Council on a platform that emphasizes economic development, reversal of outmigration and holding the line on taxation.
O'Dell has been a resident of McCook since 1994, is Chairman of the Red Willow Republicans and holds a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration.
More information about the candidate is available at his Web site.