McCook Strutters WTF Hunting Heritage Banquet set for Saturday

Monday, August 11, 2008

The Hunting Heritage Banquet hosted by the McCook Strutters chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation is slated for Saturday at Kelly Creek Pub in McCook.

The banquet starts at 5 p.m. There will be an early bird drawing at 5:30 p.m.

Those attending will have the opportunity to win or purchase limited edition wildlife artwork and bronzes, firearms and other sporting equipment all while supporting a great cause.

Last year, chapters across the state of Nebraska raised more than $76,000 dollars that benefited wildlife, habitat and thousands of individuals through outreach programs.

In addition to their local banquets, the WTF chapters host outdoor educational events for women, children and folks with disabilities, provide hunting opportunities and award local scholarships to students.

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