Did you walk to school, to McCook Elementary, this morning, kicking off McCook Public Schools' "Walk to School Month" focusing on health, and healthy lifestyle choices?

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Heath Colby, five years old, a kindergartner: "I walked three miles. Mom and Dad had to take a car, but I didn't need to take a car today." A fellow student, third-grader Joshua Hanson said, "I walked 150 miles." (Mom Pam Hanson translated: "Eight blocks.")

Sonya Capps, eight years old: "No, I can't walk to school. I ride the bus. I live in the country and it's too far to walk. But if I lived in town, I would walk or ride my bike or ride my scooter."

Shane Prentiss, nine years old: "No, I live in the country, but I walk around a lot at home. If I lived in town, I'd ride my city scooter or my off-road scooter."

Cheyenne White, a kindergartner: "I walked two blocks. I might do it again."

Brandon Ulmer, a third grader: "This is the first day I walked to school. I live at (on East Sixth). I started at about 7:30 this morning. I might do it again -- it's my last year at this school. Central will be closer."

Kaytlyn Anderson, a first grader: "I walked part-way and Mom drove me too. I don't know (if I'll walk again.) It's cold out here."

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  • awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww the good old days of walking to school in yesteryear(Class of 1959)I can remeber them days ,just like they was yesterday sometimes now in my old age.It just wasn't a couple of blocks or so,as i lived in south McCook,just about as far south as a person could get and still be in the cith limits.I started to walking in 1949 and the path across the old base ball field was well worn in by then .First walked to east ward ,then central high ,and then the big school way over on top of the hill in west McCook ,seems like every school was getting farther away and longer to walk ,enough to where i'd wear out my shoes every year,because dad would always get us kids a brand new pair the start of school year,until they was broke in ,man did they hurt.I can remember every time i would start to gripe about how far school was ,he'd always tell me he walked from way back in the country every day and used his shoe heel for an eraser.So KIDS when you have to walk maybe if your lucky ,just maybe 2 or 3 times in your school year ,just think of us older folks that had to walk it every day for the entire school year,,,,,,,,,,be nice

    -- Posted by JamesGurnie on Sun, Apr 6, 2008, at 9:40 AM
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  • "Cheyenne White, a kindergartner: 'I walked two blocks. I might do it again.' "

    ...Maybe -- If I feel like it. If I'm not too caught up in my new Bent.

    -- Posted by natejames on Fri, Apr 11, 2008, at 8:04 AM
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