Did you walk to school, to McCook Elementary, this morning, kicking off McCook Public Schools' "Walk to School Month" focusing on health, and healthy lifestyle choices?

Heath Colby, five years old, a kindergartner: "I walked three miles. Mom and Dad had to take a car, but I didn't need to take a car today." A fellow student, third-grader Joshua Hanson said, "I walked 150 miles." (Mom Pam Hanson translated: "Eight blocks.")

Sonya Capps, eight years old: "No, I can't walk to school. I ride the bus. I live in the country and it's too far to walk. But if I lived in town, I would walk or ride my bike or ride my scooter."

Shane Prentiss, nine years old: "No, I live in the country, but I walk around a lot at home. If I lived in town, I'd ride my city scooter or my off-road scooter."

Cheyenne White, a kindergartner: "I walked two blocks. I might do it again."

Brandon Ulmer, a third grader: "This is the first day I walked to school. I live at (on East Sixth). I started at about 7:30 this morning. I might do it again -- it's my last year at this school. Central will be closer."

Kaytlyn Anderson, a first grader: "I walked part-way and Mom drove me too. I don't know (if I'll walk again.) It's cold out here."