Missing Norris interview recovered

Famed Nebraska historian Dr. Robert Manley remembered doing an interview with the widow of Sen. George W. Norris, but the trouble was, nobody else remembered him doing it.
Duane Tappe, former attendant of the George W. Norris House in McCook, came to his rescue, complete with a newly digitized copy of the 1970 interview.
As Tappe explained it, "in February, the McCook Daily Gazette had a photo of Dr. Robert Manley and a request for cards for his 80th birthday. I mailed a card to him and told him that the interview that he did with Ellie (Mrs. George) Norris in 1970 was available at the George Norris Home.

"The McCook Public Power District office had this interview on a roll of 16 mm film, and donated it to the George Norris Home a couple of years ago. The film was a bit brittle and it was difficult to show on an old 16 mm projector. The film was delivered to the Nebraska State Historical Society in Lincoln for conversion to a DVD and a VHS format. It is now available for viewing at the George Norris Home in McCook or at NSHS headquarters in Lincoln.
"I put a note explaining this inside of the birthday card to Dr. Manly, and received the following reply," Tappe said:
"Dear Duane,

Thanks for the good news regarding the Mrs. Norris interview.
Over the years, I asked the ETV folks about it -- their response varied from 'There is no such interview' to 'you never did such an interview' to 'it's all in your imagination.'
Thanks for proving that I haven't lost all my marbles --
Bob Manley
By the way -- Mrs. Norris was a sharp, wonderful lady -- who appreciated the opportunity to talk about herself and the children.
As I recall, one of the friends /relatives who was with her cautioned me to limit the interview to no more than 10-15 minutes"
Tappe added that the George Norris Foundation is pleased to announce that the entire batch of 200 "Little George" replicas of the Norris sculpture at 706 Norris Ave. have been sold.
Sculptor Gary Ginther is making the last 25 for delivery to donors in McCook, Colorado and Alabama.