
Impeachment bill would have little impact

Friday, March 7, 2008

Name some ethical lapse, and there's probably a law somewhere to cover it.

That's what the Nebraska Unicameral is set to do, preparing to vote on a law that would make breaking laws during campaigns grounds for impeachment.

The issue came up during the David Hergert controversy, which led to the University of Nebraska regent's impeachment and removal from office after he was accused of breaking campaign laws.

The new law makes it clear that breaking laws during a campaign is an impeachable offense.

There probably won't be many more cases like that of Hergert in the future, if any.

But it would be nice if an appropriate law were in place if one ever does.

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  • This clearification law sounds a whole lot like placing a second 'stop' sign on the same post as another stop sign, with the following words added to the second stop sign: "We really do enforce the first stop sign." Sheesh!

    -- Posted by Navyblue on Sat, Mar 8, 2008, at 9:55 PM
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