Letter to the Editor

One last climb

Thursday, March 6, 2008
Bill Donze/Courtesy Photo

Bill Donze said he recently heard cheers while parked near Norris Park in McCook in his candy-vending van. "So I lean out to see a kid climbing a tree. I got out and asked 'why?' He said his dad had told him he'd be an old man before the next trees get big enough to climb ... He figured he had better do it now before they are all cut down.

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  • Go find another "safer" tree to climb kid. There's plenty to go around in other parks in the City and our backyards. Let's build this City for the future and not be so pesamistic. Change is good, we must nuture and care for what we have otherwise we won't have anything for our grandkids.

    -- Posted by LOAL4USA on Thu, Mar 6, 2008, at 1:14 PM
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  • Now, there may well be a boy far wiser than most we know. We climb, I pray,many 'trees,' in our youth, some rotten, that we carry into our old age, only in our memory. Seldom do we think to be sorry for those who never climbed a tree, before the right to was ripped from us.

    Again, there is, me-thinks, a boy, far wiser than most we know.

    In Christ, Arley Steinhour

    -- Posted by Navyblue on Thu, Mar 6, 2008, at 3:09 PM
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