MAC Attack hoops tourney set for Jan. 19-20

Thursday, December 20, 2007

The 17th annual MAC Attack youth basketball tournament will be in McCook on Jan. 19-20.

The tournament is sponsored by the McCook Optimist Club.

The grades for the tournament include fourth through eighth for both girls and boys. Divisions will be assigned based on availability.

The deadline for entering this tournament is Jan. 8.

The McCook Optimist sponsors area scholarships, Junior Olympics track meet, Punt, Pass and Kick, oratorical contests, youth theater and other youth activities.

Once a division is filled, no other entries will be accepted. Entry forms can be picked up at the Sports Shoppe in McCook or online at

Completed forms with entry fee should be returned to McCook Optimist Club, 402 Park Avenue, McCook, NE 69001.

For more information, contact the event chairman Greg Larson at (308) 345-5185.

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