Hard work, rehearsals pay dividents
"Fiddler on the Roof" is receiving rave reviews from those who witnessed the Thursday and Friday night performances at the McCook High School Auditorium. "It's a wonderful show," said Rhonda Whitaker of the Gazette. "The cast did an outstanding job."
The many weeks of rehearsal are paying dividends. Friday night's performance was a near sellout, and tickets are down to a precious few for tonight's show. For those who don't make it this evening, there is still seating remaining for the Sunday matinee.
The musical features Greg Hepp, a McCook theatrical veteran, who is on stage for almost the entire show. His strong performance as Tevya creates a thought-provoking show, focusing upon the changes that take place from one generation to the next. Several of the songs strike a familiar note with audiences, including "Sunrise, Sunset," "Tradition," and "The Matchmaker."
Director Don Harpst anticipated that "Fiddler" would be a hit among McCook theater goers. "The cast was out of their books earlier than I can ever remember for a local production," Harpst said. That was his way of saying that the actors and singers learned their lines in record time.
Musical productions of the magnitude of "Fiddler on the Roof" are a massive undertaking for a community of McCook's size. But thanks to Director Harpst and a talented cast and crew, the Southwest Nebraska Community Theater Association has another hit on its hands.
Curtis Easter Pageant
Southwest Nebraska is privileged to be the site of the Living Pictures Easter Pageant, which will be presented Sunday in Curtis at the Medicine Valley High School Gymnasium.
Chairs will be set up on the floor and the bleachers will be available to accommodate the large crowd expected for the 45th presentation of the Easter program.
The 46-voice choir, under the direction of Steve Herman, has been practicing regularly since January. They will combine their efforts with the Living Picture participants and the narrator, the Rev. Allen Hodges.
All are welcome to attend the meaningful presentation, which will begin at 3 p.m. The program is funded entirely by free will donations.