NYFD riders

Monday, October 4, 2004
Gloria Masoner/McCook Daily Gazette Steve Tomicic of Ladder Co. 115 of the NewYork Fire Department (back), Bob Kummelehne (front from left), a retired Los Angeles Fire Fighter, Sean Kissttne of NYFD Ladder Co. 18, and Marc Zabata of NYFD Engine Co. 258 make their way out of Oberlin this morning on their portion of 3,336 mile trek across the United States. The cross country bike ride is raising funds for the New York Firefighters Widows and Children's Fund. During the relay ride, most of the firefighters plan to ride 500 miles, when another cyclist will replace them. For more information or to donate to the fund, log on to www. fdnycrosscountry. org.

Steve Tomicic of Ladder Co. 115 of the NewYork Fire Department (back), Bob Kummelehne (front from left), a retired Los Angeles Fire Fighter, Sean Kissttne of NYFD Ladder Co. 18, and Marc Zabata of NYFD Engine Co. 258 make their way out of Oberlin this morning on their portion of 3,336 mile trek across the United States. The cross country bike ride is raising funds for the New York Firefighters Widows and Children's Fund. During the relay ride, each of the firefighters plan to ride 500 miles, when another cyclist will replace them. For more information or to donate to the fund, log on to www. fdnycrosscountry. org. (Gloria Masoner/McCook Daily Gazette)

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