Suspects have opposite views on custody

Thursday, September 30, 2004

The McCook Police Department has experienced a case of extremes in the last few days -- one subject who can avoid the police at every turn and another who'll do anything to spend the night in jail.

On Monday, police received an E-911 call at 7:53 p.m., when an unidentified man told the dispatcher there was a "bum with a gun" preparing to rob Fuller's Restaurant at 218 West B.

When they arrived, police were greeted by a 35-year old transient, Troy Longmore, who allegedly told them he made the phone call, had finished his meal and had no intention of paying for it. He apparently had no gun.

Longmore was arraigned in Red Willow County Court, Tuesday on charges of theft and false reporting. McCook Police Chief Ike Brown said the prisoner is receiving his meals free of charge at his current residence.

The second subject continues to evade police despite several sightings over the last three weeks or more.

Known at the McCook Public Safety Center as "Wile E. Coyote," the subject stands about two feet tall, weighs about 45 pounds, and is gray and balding.

According to Chief Brown, a coyote, apparently stricken with mange, has been wandering around the northwest area of town for several weeks. Brown said, aside from the fur problem, the coyote appears to be healthy.

While there have been no reports of the animal attacking domestic pets, Brown said he is obviously finding his meals somewhere -- most likely in trash cans and alleys.

And -- like coyotes in the wild -- he avoids people. "He certainly avoids us," Brown said.

Brown said the police department will continue to investigate all reports pertaining to "Coyote." He encourages residents to contact the McCook Police Department with any sightings.

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