Chance, Bentley wedding

OMAHA -- Lindsay Chance and Benji Bentley were united in marriage June 5, 2004, in an outdoor ceremony at the Lauritzen Gardens at Omaha's Botanical Center with the bride's father, the Rev. Brian Turner, officiating.
Parents of the couple are Lorra Warren of Holdrege, Brian and Sherry Turner of Omaha and Mark and Dora Chance of Liberal, Kan. Parents of the bridegroom are Roger and Rita Bentley of McCook.
Grandparents are Bud and Pat Turner of Hastings, Claude Warren of Bloomfield, N.M., and Bob and Helen Sell of Stamford.
Brianne Turner of Lincoln, sister of the bride, served as the maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Kaylen Turner of Omaha, sister of the bride, and Cassie Nutt of Wilmington, Ill.
The best man was Rob Bentley of Big Rapids, Mich., brother of the bridegroom. Bridegroomsmen were Ryan Turner of Omaha, brother of the bride, and Tim Bayer of Lincoln.
Music was provided by a four string quartet from the Omaha Opera House.
The reception was in the Great Hall of the Botanical Center. The host couples were Brad and Steph Mensik of Lincoln, aunt and uncle of the bride, and Richard and Chris Webb of McCook. Jenny Bentley of Big Rapids, Mich., sister-in-law of the bridegroom, was the guest book attendant. Program and bubble attendants were Ricky and Jamie Payton of McCook. Reception assistants were Robin Sell of Stamford, Brenda Newsom of Virgie, Ky., and Nancy Weaver of Shawnee Mission, Kan.
The couple honeymooned in Orlando, Fla., at Disneyworld.
The bride is a graduate of McCook High School and Colby Community College. She is a third year pharmacy student at University of Nebraska Medical Center and is employed at Children's Hospital in Omaha. The bridegroom is a graduate of McCook High School and Northwest Kansas Technical College and is employed with Omaha Auto Auction.
The couple lives in Omaha.