Old hardware store becomes Cambridge Technology Incubator

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

CAMBRIDGE -- Cambridge businessman J. Richard Shoemaker has an-nounced the formation of the Cambridge Technology Incubator.

In an effort to foster innovation and create en-trepreneurial opportunities, Shoemaker formed the Incubator by gathering and aligning the combined resources of educational institutions, private businesses, business support organizations, commercial lending institutions, venture capital networks and foundations.

Key among those organizations is the Peter Kiewit Institute, which will provide guidance and direction to the project and has been offering internships in the region for the past three years.

Fiberlink LLC, Level (3) Communications Inc. and the Cambridge-based Pinpoint Communications Inc. who, in combination, will deliver broadband connectivity to the facility.

Shoemaker has long been an advocate for the economic development and revitalization of Southwest Nebraska and has promoted the ability to telecommute worldwide while enjoying Southwest Nebraska's quality of life.

The Cambridge Technology Incubator will provide a starting point for local entrepreneurs to realize that goal as well as an incentive to attract businesses from outside the region.

"Those of us who live, work and play in Southwest Nebraska have the ability to do business anywhere in the world," Shoemaker said.

"The Cambridge Technology Incubator will provide another launch pad for that opportunity."

The Incubator will be in the former Minnick's Hardware building at 618 Paxton Street, in Cambridge. The facility is currently undergoing renovations and is expected to be available for occupancy mid to late 2005.

An application for participation in the project can be found online at


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