
Fall sports rolls into full swing

Thursday, September 2, 2004

Get ready, sports fans! The 2004-05 high school season is here! Following the spectacular success of a year ago -- when five state champions from this area were crowned -- the Southwest Nebraska and Northwest Kansas region is bursting back into action with new teams and new dreams for athletic achievement.

To showcase the 1,000 athletes taking part -- about 50 teams at 15 schools -- the McCook Daily Gazette today presents its 32nd Annual Fall Sports Edition. The 34-page edition, which includes three sections with full color fronts, is one of the largest projects of the year for the Gazette's staff.

Between Aug. 9 and today -- a span of 24 days -- four members of the news staff traveled more than 1,200 miles to take team photographs and gather name information.

Along the way, there were some unexpected sidelights. Connie Jo Discoe, the regional editor, tells of the surprise at Medicine Valley-Maywood when their new uniforms arrived. "The black ink had smeared on their jerseys," she reports, "and the M's on their helmets looked pink."

Even at that, the newly combined and newly named Rattlers were ahead of Eustis-Farnam, where game uniforms didn't arrive in time for pictures to be included in the Fall Sports Edition. Photographers are headed that way today, and pictures of the Knights will appear in the sports section in the days to come.

In order to put together an edition of this magnitude, a large amount of work is required by a lot of people. Thanks are extended to players, coaches, photographers, newswriters, designers, type designers, the production staff, the press crew, the ad staff, business office, and the mailroom, drivers and carriers who deliver the heavy load of papers to subscribers.

Even with all their efforts, none of this would have been possible without the great advertising support of business and professional firms throughout the Golden Plains of Southwest Nebraska and Northwest Kansas. Through their participation, they are showing strong support for young people in this region.

And, so, let's go! It's time to "Read All About It!" in the 32nd Annual Fall Sports Edition; then head out to cheer for our favorite teams in the upcoming high school sports season.

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