Citizen soldiers answer country's call to duty

Tuesday, January 13, 2004
Cathy Reicks (above) hugs her son, Nate, as she says goodbye to him. (Gloria Masoner/McCook Daily Gazette)

Just over a month after welcoming her husband home from deployment, Cathy Reicks had to say goodbye to her son.

Nate Reicks, along with 30 other soldiers from the McCook division of the Nebraska National Guard, reported for duty this morning.

To honor the soldiers and their families, the National Guard hosted a sendoff Monday evening.

Assistant Adjutant General of the Nebraska Army National Guard Walt Zink told around 200 people they should be proud of their loved ones.

"They'll make the city of McCook proud. They'll make their families proud. And they'll make their country proud," he said.

"By serving on the battlefield, you are part of one of the finest traditions of this country," he told the soldiers.

Gen. Zink asked those present to keep the soldiers in their thoughts and prayers. He also asked that the community as a whole reach out to the families of the soldiers when they are in need.

Company Commander, Capt. Ryan Earleywine told the soldiers, "we have a great mission to do. We look forward to serving a great country together."

To the families, he said, "I will do everything in my power to ensure everyone in Bravo Company comes home."

Zink told the group that since the Revolution the United States has depended on citizen soldiers to maintain its freedom. "Each one of these individuals are true heroes," he told the group. "I define true heroes not as someone who does an outstanding act, but someone who does what their country asks."

In the words of George Orwell, Zink said, "We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm."

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