
Education Week observed

Tuesday, November 13, 2001

Dear Editor,

Nov. 11-17 will mark the 80th annual observance of American Education Week-a time for saluting our public schools and the relationships between teachers, students and parents.

The theme of this year's celebration, "Together: Making Public Schools Great for Every Child," reflects our combined commitment to get all students to learn and succeed. The interaction between children, parents and teachers cannot be underplayed. If the partnership between teacher and parent is strong, the child's chances of success skyrocket.

Today's teachers do more than teach basic skills. They nurture and inspire children. They help students learn essenffal skills not always measured in testing, such as critical thinking, conflict resolution, cooperation and problem solving. These are skills to help each student throughout life.

We invite parents to visit your child's classroom and learn for yourself how you and the teacher can work together. If you do not have children, please consider visiting your nearest public school and see today's educators in action. Do consider asking how you can contribute to a child's success. We'll be glad to advise.

Thank you for taking time to read this letter. We're proud to have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of students we teach.


McCook Education Association

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