
Clean community

Tuesday, November 20, 2001

Dear Editor,

I was at a conference for parents at the McCook High School last Saturday. One of the guest speakers made a comment that "this is the first high school I have been in that had no graffiti on the walls or no trash on the floor, and no writing on the walls in the bathroom."

I thought that was so nice of him to say that, because it shows that as a community, we as parents are teaching our children good values. So I would like to say "hats off" to our students and staff of McCook High School, for keeping up such as nice and clean-looking school.

I would also like to say "thank you" to the students of McCook High who came out Saturday and fixed and served the lunch we had. It was very good and very well presented. Also, the service was great! This goes to show that we as parents have worked hard to teach our children these values, and it does pay off.

Thank you.

Kevin Dunn


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