
We're not vigilantes

Thursday, May 9, 2002

Have you ever been called a "vigilante"?

Well, this editorial writer has, and -- by association -- so have a number of other McCook citizens who favor the name McCook Community College for the two-year educational institution in McCook.

The name-calling took place Wednesday afternoon. The president of the Mid Plains Community College Area, George Mihel, exclaimed: "Let me present this to the board rather than having a vigilante committee in hoods and torches there saying that is what we want."

Later, Mihel told the committee he was joking. But, by then, it was too late. The "vigilante" description had already slipped out of his mouth, escalating an argument that already had McCook College supporters fuming.

During Wednesday's meeting at Walsh-Brady Hall, Dr. Mihel acknowledged that the change of the college's name to 'McCook Campus" of the Mid-Plains Community College Area was done without board action. In making the change, Mihel claimed he had the support of the advisory committee.

However, Mike Owens, president of the McCook College Foundation, said, "I attended the advisory committee meetings and I never heard the name change discussed." Further, Dr. Owens asserted; "We have read over the Nebraska statutes and have reviewed North Central accreditation standards. We see no reason that the name was changed and see no reason that we cannot return to using McCook Community College as the name for the oldest two-year institution for higher education in Nebaska."

The group which gathered Wednesday in Walsh-Brady Hall agreed. They applauded on several occasions when points were made in favor of the McCook Community College name.

As an educator with 30 years' experience, we're assuming that Dr. Mihel has a good grasp of the English language. If he does, he knows that vigilante means, "A person belonging to ... a volunteer group of citizens who without authority takes on itself powers such as pursuing and punishing those suspected of being criminals or offenders."

You went too far, George. You should apologize to the citizens of McCook and follow that up by joining with McCook citizens in full support of McCook Community College as the name for the educational institution in McCook.

But, pardon us if we don't fully trust you to handle the name change by yourself. We called this morning to ask for a place on the Wednesday, May 22 meeting of the Mid-Plains board in North Platte.

We're not vigilantes. But we are vigilant. We are united in support of McCook Community College and, you can rest assured, we will be attending the May 22 meeting to campaign for McCook Community College as the proud, proper and prestigious name for Nebraska's oldest junior college.

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