
10 Commandments to getting a job

Wednesday, May 22, 2002

10 Commandments to getting a job.

1. Education and Experence.

2. If interviews don't come after you give applications // put a ten spot on the application with a promise of another at the time of the interview.

3.Offer to work for free or at below minimum wage for the first two weeks. If they can not do that offer to give a gift to the person doing the hiring. This offsets the normal hiring practice of hiring family and drinking buddies over everyone else.

4. Dress to succeed for all interviews. 5. Always start with, "If hired, my goal will be to make my boss rich."

6. When hired, always give the boss gifts through the year. It is invaluable at times when layoffs are being considered.

7. Never bad mouth about the place your working, It will get back to the boss, and you will pay even if he never speaks of it to you. as a cowboy I knew said, "be loyal to the brand."

8. A local street person I know ( a witch) says to use curse words (naughty words) is to curse your own life/ so if you're having problems in life. Be it getting a job or other avenues, check your words.

9. A Mexican gentleman was my direct boss for 11 years. His saying was, "If you can't pull the mules then push 'em," If a job does not open up, and before you go to the government for aid, consider working for yourself, Working below minimum wage should get your foot in any job market.

10.Last but not least, never be late, and never miss work. I had a teacher on a 30 below zero day as I set next to the school with my van door open selling candy say, "If you ever fail to show up, I will go the the graveyard and put flowers on your grave."

Bill Donze


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