Air Base plans
Dear Friends and potential buyers of Mc-Cook Army Air Base: The McCook City Council has decided to sell the entire property at the air base.
The McCook Army Air Base Historical Society requested leasing the property because our funds are limited.
We know we have enough funds to repair the roof of all the buildings at the base, but if we have to purchase property too, we might not have enough for both at this time.
We also know if the McCook Army Air Base Historical Society or someone who is interested in the history does not buy this building and concrete area the destruction will begin again.
The City Council did announce their support of the Air Base Society. They also asked that the public and all potential buyers be informed of the McCook Army Air Base Historical Society desires to restore the buildings and concrete and to allow the buyer the opportunity to consider donating the land to the Historical Society as a tax break.
If we are unable to purchase the building and concrete areas, we would like to work with the new landowners to be able to use the property for tours of the historic army air base complex and would assist in clean up of these areas. The buildings can have historic uses -- not just for grain or machinery storage.
Should we be successful in purchasing buildings we would then be willing to lease some of the buildings and use the money for upkeep of other buildings, as well as maintain our memorabilia display.
The concrete foundations are important to visualize the many buildings that were on the site. We would utilize the concrete apron for farm and boat shows, etc. The use of the concrete apron will stop the destruction of the concrete.
If the building areas do not sell Jan. 8, 2003, we would like to begin cleaning the property of tree limbs for sale for fund-raising and begin roofing the buildings.
All funds for purchase and restoration of the air base by McCook Army Air Base Historical Society will be private funds -- we will not be asking for tax payer dollars.
If you wish to make a donation to assist in our efforts to purchase property our address is below. Our goal continues to be to preserve and restore the buildings, to make a historic museum complex and establish the site on the registry of historic places
Keep em flying!
Dale Cotton
McCook Army Air Base Historical Society