
Vote coming soon

Tuesday, March 18, 2003

Dear Editor,

March 25th is coming up very soon.

The committees have worked hard and looked at many possible solutions to our problems with the schools.

And the majority of the committee members thought that this merger with building, with interest rates being the lowest they have been for many years, seems to be the best plan of action.

I really believe in Mr. Norvell's statement that the districts could save $800,000 to $1.8 million over the schools' separate current budgets.

That would more than pay the annual payment of $570,000 including interest. Mr. Norvell came up with these figures by taking the general fund budgets of eighteen similar sized Nebraska schools and averaging them out to get the numbers.

If you farm and you are afraid that there won't be enough rain, do you leave the seed in the sack and not plant? If you don't plant, you are guaranteed a failure. This is the same way with a school. If there is no faith or support before long, there will be no rural school.

Because this merger is really for the benefit of our children and grandchildren, each parent should carefully consider the impact of their decision.

Please go out and vote because this is a democratic country and each vote counts. Thank you.

Gale and Claudia Liess


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