County approves camera purchases

Wednesday, May 22, 2002

Red Willow County commissioners agreed Tuesday afternoon to purchase a digital camera package for bridge inspection reports. The three men also approved an agreement with the state for surveying services on a resurfacing project on Highway 83 north of McCook.

The Olympus 3020 digital camera will be used to record and transmit photographs of county bridges to the state after county surveyor Gary Dicenta completes annual bridge inspections.

The camera, software and printer/scanner is valued at $948, and the county's share will be 20 percent, or $189.60. The state's share will be paid with federal-aid bridge replacement funds.

Dicenta said the camera is compatible with other county lap top and desk top computers, and with the state's bridge inspection computer program. The camera can also be used by the county assessor for valuation purposes, Dicenta said.

Commissioner Ed Bass said the digital camera can eliminate film, processing, negatives and prints for both Dicenta and assessor Sandra Kotschwar.

Commissioners approved an agreement with the state Department of Roads for Dicenta's surveying services on a resurfacing project on Highway 83 from the work ethic camp to two miles north of the air base road. Dicenta will tie off and then reestablish 13 land survey corners, the cost of which will be reimbursed by the state. The project begins in July.

In other action, commissioners:

- Approved a $30,000 bond for Deanna L. Brown, deputy city clerk for Indianola.

- Accepted report of changes to the county's pledged securities.

- Accepted the sheriff's monthly revenue report.

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