Letter to the Editor

Open Forum

Monday, August 25, 2003

Posse grateful

Dear Editor,

The Red Willow County Sheriff's Posse would like to thank the following for their support through the year:

Burlington Northern and the Nebraska Department of Roads, safety vests; and for support at the Red Willow County Fair: Burlington Northern, Culligan Water, Eagles Club, Wal-Mart, water; SunMart, water and ice; Taco John's, ice; Budke Motors and Southwest Implement, 4-wheelers.


Gene Mahon

Red Willow County

Sheriff Great job

Dear Editor,

I think Marilyn Cuellar and the rest of the staff at the McCook Humane Society are doing a great job. Last December, we adopted a black Pomeranian/Shih-Tzu from there, and he has been so much fun to have around. his name is Joseph, and when we take him for a walk, all the kids like to pet him. He loves kids, especially our 8- and 11-year-old grandsons. Thanks for the McCook Humane Society.

Letha Redden,

Indianola USS McCook?

Dear Editor,

To those who would follow Any president blindly and without question, Beware.

Germany followed Hitler in the same way that some folks think we ought to follow the Bush baby currently in the White House. Nuts.

America has no more business minding the world's business than McCook has with a nuclear submarine. Our government needs to spend more time on the problems at home than abroad. Speaking of honest Republicans, do you remember Richard Nixon? Now there was a pillar of honesty. Let's all emulate him.

Don't get me wrong, we have the best government that money can buy. I just don't trust any of them, regardless of party. By nature and training, they only tell half-truths. If they told the whole truth, they wouldn't get elected.

To those who think that the religious right should be involved, no way.

"Religious right" is an oxymoron. The church should stay out of government affairs and vice versa (no pun intended).

To those animal rights activists who read this, I wasn't being derogatory to the little creature in the wilds known as a bush baby. It just happens that the twit in the White House is named Bush and he was the baby of another Bush who resided in the White House.

Keep up the good job, Mike.

To Mr. Thayer, who wanted to know what the opposite of a bleeding heart liberal was, how about "constipated conservative?"

Robert A. Yost


First things first Dear Editor,

The Constitution says, in the First Amendment, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

The courts have upheld "In God We Trust" on currency because of this -- the very first thing on the minds of our founding fathers, in the "Bill of Rights." 

The second thing on their minds was the freedom of speech. We have seen absurd limits granted in disrespect of our country and flag in the name of "freedom of speech."

An equally broad interpretation of the "freedom of religion" would allow the Christians and Jews to post the 10 Commandments wherever they please. The Buddhists and atheists could post their ideas in the same places, according to the First Amendment. We, as taxpayers and voters, can influence the interpretation by the courts of our Constitution and Bill of Rights by electing those who respect our First Amendment, even if it does not fulfill their political agendas. We endure the burning of flags, profane denouncement of God and country, etc. in the name of free speech. That is the second thing mentioned in the First Amendment. The freedom of religion came first.

Please cast your vote in every election for those who you trust to appoint responsible jurists. Warmest Regards

Carol Wolf Britton

via e-mail Peace in Our time?

Dear Editor,

Will there be peace in our time? If so, when? How long will it take? Is it possible for man to create peace in this troubled world? The Road Map For Peace has been torpedoed and lies shattered in a thousand pieces. 

Why? Please allow me to set forth one of many reasons. Islam! Is it a peaceful religion as has been suggested by President Bush? Not in the Middle East, Africa (In Sudan alone over 2,000,000 Christians have been slaughtered over the last 20 years by the fundamentalist Muslim government), or India and a number of countries formerly a part of the Soviet Union. These are fundamentalist Muslim countries that are dedicated to the teachings of the Koran. The Koran teaches the followers of Islam to "kill the Jews, kill the infidels (anyone who will not convert to Islam at gunpoint). The goal of Islam is to take over the world for Allah.

Children are taught from the time they are little tykes to hate and that if they die as a martyr they will immediately go to Heaven and be surrounded by 70 virgins. So they strap explosives to their bodies and blow themselves up on a bus or in a crowd where they can kill as many "Jews and infidels" as they can. Our government knows there are many fundamentalist Islamic cells all across America ready to do what they can to destroy the "Great Satan" and as you well know we are put on alert from time to time. Will there be peace in our time? It certainly doesn't appear that there will be from my vantage point! Your Friend, Paul Schneider


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